Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Leave Your Faith At The Door!

I like to think I've learned a few things along the way.  One of these things is that there are two kinds of trust -- and, at least in the context of this post, the same can be said of faith.  The first kind of trust is the kind you choose to put in someone; the second kind is what you implicitly have.  My relationship with my wife illustrates this pretty well.

When we first started dating, I chose to trust her based basically on what I saw in her and where I wanted the relationship to go.  Now, 15 years into our friendship and 12 years into our marriage, I implicitly trust her.  Things that worried me back then don't even cross my mind now!  This second kind of trust -- or faith -- comes only from experience; and, it works the same way with God.

When I first became a Christian, I chose to trust God, based on what I read in his Word and what I saw in his people.  Now, after being with him for just shy of 17 years, I implicitly trust him.  I know he will take care of me and mine no matter what comes our way!  To get to this point, I and we have had to go through some pretty tough times, lemme tell ya -- and I'm pretty sure the refining trials aren't over yet, either -- but that's how it works.  How else can you know how someone will respond in tough times (e.g., that they will not abandon you) if you never actually experience tough times?

The best part of all of this, though, is that when I get to heaven, I will leave my faith at the door!

Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.
 - Hebrews 11:1

When I get to heaven, everything I have put my trust, hope, and faith in all these years, as well as the years to come -- the one basket into which I have placed all my truly valuable eggs -- will finally be mine to SEE and HAVE!  I picture a big barrel at the "pearly gates" with a sign that reads, "Please deposit your faith here - you won't be needing it any more!"  Now won't that be awesome!

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