Sunday, May 1, 2011

Endurance Rewarded

Sometimes I think the greatest challenge in life does not come with the great tragedies, but in the challenge to simply endure.  Let's face it: each day really does have enough trouble of its own.  We all face hard times; but, even more, we all face the day-to-day grind of life.  I mean, if you really think about it, the general pattern of life seems to follow the general pattern of the average career: lots and lots (and lots...) of the time is spent working, with a real vacation thrown in only occasionally.  Like I talk about in my book*, this life really is a battle.

(*Was that a shameless plug?  Naaah, of course not, pas de moi!  :D )

The Israelites' journey exemplifies it pretty well, too.  We all know they spent 40 years wandering when the trip should have taken less than two weeks; but, what happened next?  40 years of treacherous wandering in the desert followed by...the moment they entered the promised land.  Ahhh, what a great moment, right?  But  a moment is all it was.  The land may have been flowing with milk and honey, but they still needed to build their homes, work for their food, fight their enemies, get along with each other(!), etc.

We all LOOONG to live a life of peace, comfort, convenience, fun, rest, and ease (I actually fantasize about having a replicator from Star Trek in my home...and a holodeck wouldn't be too bad, either).  But we don't live those lives.  And we won't.  Will we experience moments of those things?  Sure.  But we will never get to the point when our lives are nothing but those things.  At least, not in this life:

God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.

 - James 1:12

The original Greek word translated as "crown" here was the usual term for a wreath placed on the head of a victorious athlete or military leader.  So, God will personally reward those of us who love Him with the eternal life only He can provide!  I'd say that's worth just a little more enduring!

1 comment:

  1. And we endure the way we endure. Sometimes in peace, sometimes in pain. Thank God there is something more for us on the other side.
